Lady with an umbrella

Lady with an umbrella

Lady with an umbrella

$ 8 200
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Topiary figure Lady Bacho with an umbrella in use
This enchanting topiary figure can be used in various settings to enhance the aesthetic appeal and create a sense of tranquility and refinement.
Here are some places where and for what it can be effectively utilized.
For example:
- When you want to add romance and beauty in your garden.
- For lending an air of elegance to the occasion (outdoor weddings, receptions, garden parties or event’s).
- Elegant "HI" to visitors with its elegant silhouette (park entrances).
- Decor for commercial spaces (shopping centers, restaurants, or outdoor cafes).
- Special touch of timeless elegance (monuments, castles, museums).

What are our topiaries made of?

What are our topiaries made of?
What are our topiaries made of?
Where Bacho Topiaries can be placed?
Where Bacho Topiaries can be placed?
Delivery of our products
Delivery of our products
Climate endurance
Climate endurance
Care and maintenance
Care and maintenance
Installation and mounting
Installation and mounting